Roasted “Buto-Buto” Sided By “Sinigang Na Puro Gulay”



A delightful complete dish with prep combining Western and Filipino approaches.The left-over bones of the St. Louis Spares & Loin Backs
I dealt with in the production floor for the past recipe issues now come to center stage.
This time bones, with enough flesh to gnash our teeth upon, from the spine-neck part of pork.
Spices and herbs blend rubbed (similar to the one I utilized for St. Louis Spares)
then roasted to tender-bite and satisfaction.
Without meat, lightly boiled vegetables in “Sinigang Mix”(tamarind based seasoning),
a Filipino fave soup dish, side the meat for a full-meal offering.
Take note: this is an innovation and pioneering method.
You’ve seen it here FIRST.
You’ll see it in many restos very soon.
That’s great. Dare you to serve it with “style”…and please don’t over charge patrons.


buto-buto image picture

Roasted “Buto-Buto” Sided By “Sinigang Na Puro Gulay”
Prep time Cook time Total time
30 mins 40 mins 1 hour 10 mins.
  • ½ kilo spine with meat chopped to desired sizes poured in with 200ml. red wine (any)..
  • Tumble and massage meat a bit so wine alcohol will penetrate flesh. Set aside..
  • 20 ml. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) for drizzling before roasting.
  • MEAT RUB (blended and tumbled well together):
  • 5 grams salt (fine or sea)
  • 3 grams white or brown sugar
  • 3 grams garlic powder
  • 6 grams chili powder
  • 3 grams paprika powder (for more reddish result)
  • 2 grams nutmeg powder
  • 2 grams coriander powder
  • 2 grams ground black pepper
  • OPTIONAL: 2 grams MSG (monosodium glutamate)
  • 1 sachet of Knorr Sinigang Mix
  • a bunch of sting beans (“sitaw”), cleaned, cut to bite sizes/li>
  • a bunch of “kangkong’ (swamp cabbage or water spinach) cleaned and cut
  • 1 small tomato sliced
  • 1 small whit onion sliced
  • 3 pieces banana pepper or chili finger (“sili pansigang”)
  • 400-500 ml. tap water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • OPTIONAL: other veggies of your choice.
  1. Into foil-wrapped pan, line up your meat. Sprinkle meat rub unto all sides. Tumble to spread flavor well.
    Rest for 30 minutes
  2. Sprinkle EVOO top of meat. Set aside.
  3. Heat electric or gas oven to 325deg.F (162deg.Celsius)
  4. Pop in and roast meat for 40 minutes-turning to other side after the first 20 minutes. And while waiting….
  5. start the “Sinigang Na Gulay”. In a casserole, sauté tomato and onion slices..
  6. Pour in “sitaw” and the Sinigang Mix. Tumble and toss for a minute. Add water. Bring to boil..
  7. Once boiling STOP THE HEAT.
  8. Add in “kangkong” and banana peppers. To preferred taste, add salt, pepper and your other veggies..
  9. These will be cooked in the remaining heat.
  10. Once your meat is done, garnish and serve both.
  11. You have a complete meal.
DISCLAIMER: Above are test kitchen and household-produced dishes. All ingredients utilized are of food grade quality passing international and domestic sanitary standards. While we find the results highly acceptable, no guarantee nor explicit assurance is hereby issued when recipe is performed by readers. For one, although of similar breed, spices, herbs and other ingredients vary from country to country/region to region that possibility of affecting end taste, aroma & bite-feel is great. Further thereto, mentioned sensory evaluation (aroma, taste, mouth-feel) is subjective.
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