Create Your Own Spicy Chix Wings


Philippine setting on a Friday, past 5:00pm (post work hours),
traffic snarls everywhere…bad idea to spend onset of weekend
in usual crowded habitués.
More so afterwards, to travel amidst aggravated monstrous traffic
due to heavy downpour flooding most areas.
Just go home, I convinced myself, to which I nodded yes.
Spend the night with wifee, sip my fave beer
and make it push through to my tummy this simple concoction.
Super yummy where hot sauce blend rounded off wings’ taste.

spicy wings picture

Spicy Chix Wings
Prep time Cook time Total time
1 hour 10 mins 1 hour 10 mins

Cooking medium: deep frying pan or a deep fryer, small casserole, big bowl, tongs

Special instruction(s): if you ain’t “spicy-tongued”, be ready with cold sweet beverage.

NOTE: used oil can be re-used for 2-3 more times for sautéing or frying. Just refrigerate.

  • 6 pieces fully cleaned wings, tips cut, wingette separated from drummet.
  • Marinated in enough tap water with 15 grams salt for 1 hour.
  • 500 ml. soya or palm oil
  • 60 ml. tomato catsup
  • 80 ml. Tabasco-Red OR 100 ml. Sriracha hot sauce
  • 20 ml. pineapple juice
  • 10 grams brown sugar
  • 3 grams corn starch
  • 10 grams dried chili flakes for additional flavor & garnish
  1. In a small casserole, heat and consistently whisk catsup, hot sauce, pineapple juice, corn starch and sugar.
  2. When a bit viscous remove from heat and set aside.
  3. Heat oil in deep frying pan or in deep fryer. Drain well marinated wings and deep fry for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Tongs out fried wings unto the bowl and pour your “ultra piquant sauce”. Give some tossing and tumbling to let sauce adhere to all sides of wings.
  5. Tongs out unto your serving plate, drizzled with some chili pepper flakes. DONE.
  6. Using your bare hands, enjoy the night with your loved one.
DISCLAIMER: Above are test kitchen and household-produced dishes. All ingredients utilized are of food grade quality passing international and domestic sanitary standards. While we find the results highly acceptable, no guarantee nor explicit assurance is hereby issued when recipe is performed by readers. For one, although of similar breed, spices, herbs and other ingredients vary from country to country/region to region that possibility of affecting end taste, aroma & bite-feel is great. Further thereto, mentioned sensory evaluation (aroma, taste, mouth-feel) is subjective.
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