Tilapia-“ESCABECHE” (Innovated)


Few hours to overnight marination in an acidic medium, usually vinegar,
of fish or vegetables prior to cooking is the essence behind
The term denotes the type of process peculiar to Mediterranean cuisines.
Worrying on some “un-wanted” chemicals that are incorporated into the process of making vinegar,
some countries let go of it and changed the acidic medium to healthier citrus juices.
Variations range from using different types of fishes
to incorporation of other veggie(s) or food
staple to preparing country or region, like Jalapeno Pepper by Mexico
Distinct modification is the style of Spain to create
Escabeche Pork and Chicken.
My recipe is entirely different though the acidic medium I utilized is vinegar.
No marination at all but desired flavor is attained.
Cooking process for main ingredient, in this case Tilapia,
is neither frying nor poaching, still, taste digs deep into the flesh.
Prep time:          15 mins.
Cook time:           48 mins.
Total time:                    1 hour 3 mins.
Makes/Serves:    2
Cooking medium:  oven toaster, frying pan
Special instruction(s):

1 medium Tilapia, fully cleaned, internals removed, slitted on sides
50 grams ginger, de-skinned, Julienned
1 small white onion, sliced roundly
3 pcs. chili fingers/banana peppers (siling pansigang) 1 sliced, 2 for garnish
3 pieces fresh pineapple cuts. (this renders a very unique flavor profile)
2 grams salt
2 grams ground black pepper
2 grams corn starch dissolved in 10 water (this is your thickening agent or slurry)
25 grams brown sugar
40 ml. soya or palm oil for sautéing
15 ml. soya or palm oil for rubbing unto fish prior to toastering.
20 ml. vinegar (any)
20 ml. fish sauce (“patis”)
35 ml. tap water
1.    Pre heat oven toaster to 170deg.C (338deg.F).  While waiting, pour unto slits and inside of head your “patis”.
A little scattering and massaging help a lot in flavor penetration.
2.    Rub your 15ml. oil to all sides of fish, pop inside toaster in the middle slot and BROAST (my own coined word which is a portmanteau of the words broil & roast) for 20 minutes each side. After broasting, this is DONE.
3.    While broasting, heat the 40ml. oil in pan and fry ginger for 4 minutes. Add in onion, sliced siling pansigang
and continue for another 1 minute.
4.    Pour in water, sugar, salt, black pepper and the OPTIONAL MSG. Stir well to dissolve solids and continue
for 1 minute.
5.    Pour vinegar, sliced pineapple and continue boiling for another minute.
6.    Add in the slurry (the water-corn starch thickening blend) continue for 1 more minute. DONE.
7.    Lay Tilapia in plate and pour unto slits and in all parts your cooked sauce.
8.    Enjoy with your “sweetie” over rice or as white wine side pick.DISCLAIMER: Above are test kitchen and household-produced dishes. All ingredients utilized are of food grade quality passing international and domestic sanitary standards. While we find the results highly acceptable, no guarantee nor explicit assurance is hereby issued when recipe is performed by readers. For one, although of similar breed, spices, herbs and other ingredients vary from country to country/region to region that possibility of affecting end taste, aroma & bite-feel is great. Further thereto, mentioned sensory evaluation (aroma, taste, mouth-feel) is subjective.

Click HERE for another recipe of TILAPIA.

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