Innovated Desserts

A simple dessert even my 8-year old grandson can process…blindfoldedly…fruit salad.

After more than 3 weeks of preparing & consuming beef, pork, chicken…chicken, pork, beef past yuletide including thereat post season hangover, this morning, I felt an urge a very strong clamor for a simple sweet. Instantaneously, Marilyn & I raided the canned goods cabinet and WOWOWIE found mid-size tin of fruit cocktail, a small can […]

…another high sounding prep. But then it’s so simple.

“Sugar showered deep fried SaSa” …which is just, plainly, TURON. (SaSa means Saging na Saba) For variation, instead of just SaSa & langka strips, I added mashed sweet potato (Kamote). Check this section for its recipe. Try it.