You dislike MSG (Monosodium Glutamate-Vetsin). Do you know that the other types of food you eat contain the same ingredient as MSG? The truth behind this dreaded enhancer. Read on.


You dislike MSG (Monosodium Glutamate or Vetsin).
Fine…but do you know that the other types of food you eat contain the same ingredient as MSG?
Have seen, witnessed, heard many saying…
“I don’t like MSG & I don’t eat food with MSG”.
I can say…tell that to the marines.Look closely at what you’re eating.
The seasonings, sauces, dips, dressings, batters, marinades and thousands of other food
…contain YOU’RE DREADED MSG. You veer away from the known brand of Vetsin
but you consume other types of food that contain the same ingredient present in the former.
You like ? seasoning, ? oyster sauce or ? soy sauce…they all contain MSG.You’re delighted with instant noodles especially on cold rainy days;
you love the taste of your dish when you add your favorite “seasoning” to it
and you brag of your handmade pizza or that from your fave parlor…
One way or the other, they contain your hated MSG.
Learn from this link:
(thanks truthinlabelling)
WHY? Afraid of consuming it?
MSG is sodium salt of glutamic acid.
It is obtained through fermentation of either: sugar cane, corn or tapioca (cassava)
Crystal MSGs are crystals.
A closer look even in its powder form, MSG is millions of small crystals.
THEY DO NOT HAVE TASTE AT ALL but are good flavor enhancers.Human tongue is consists of “taste buds”, small tiny cells of about 10,000 or so
scattered in different parts of tongue’s surface.
These “taste buds” are the ones responsible for humans to feel what they are consuming
then these cells send signal to the brain-and brain analyzes what taste it is
(sweet, salty, bitter, sour and the latest addition…umami)Women possess more “taste buds” than men.
Babies and young ones have more of these and wane as they grow older.
They do not actually seize to exist but are just out there-inactive-due to various factors:
smoking and alcohol which tend to numb these “buds” faster,
unhealthy mouth condition where dirt, grime and leftovers cover these cells
until they form part of them and as we grow old through time their taste potency also diminishes.So, the more active “taste buds” the better we grasp the taste of food.
When MSG is added to a recipe, these tiny crystals actually “hones”
(in Tagalog…”hinahasa”) or “scrapes” the covering of these “buds” exposing them to the true taste of the food.
That’s it, MSG does not impart any flavor or taste but helps us identify specific taste.CAUTION: not because MSG has that effect, “pilosopo” (one track mind) will claim,
“why not put a ton of MSG so we can taste the food really well”, NO!
Put a bit more and be ready to experience ache at the back of your head.
Too much of anything is…ahh you know what.

Still, the best ways to revive and/or revitalize “taste buds” are:
1. quit smoking-minimize alcohol intake
2. have a healthy mouth habit
3. when brushing teeth, scrub lightly tip, top and back of tongue
4. …and this is fun, always try to identify the ingredients used in your every intake.
Over time…you will be amazed…you are “a food critic”, too.

So far there are only 4 reliable (I hope)
MSG manufacturers supplying the world:
1. Aji-No-Moto (Japan) – more of the home directed crystals
2. Vedan (Vietnam) – used by majority of food processors
due to low price and in powder form
3. ADM (USA) – no nonsense best quality
and also more on the powder type
4. Unknown China-made.
5. …there could be other brands somewhere-for sure it’s repacked.

(meaning Disodium Inosinate + Disodium Guanylate…then STOP & decide if you’ll continue)
Reason: full flavor identifying & enhancing effects of I+G
go well-hand-in-hand with MSG.
When the former is present so is the latter.

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