Garlic “Polonchay”


Nothing beats healthy, palate-satisfying & antioxidant rich veggy dish.
Quick and easiest to prep “dig” of my grandkids that go enjoyably
with “inihaw” (grilled…any).
Introduced a bit of innovation in procedure (for flavor absorption)
plus the addition of “omni-tasteful”…butter for yummier end taste.
Prep time:                    15mins.
Cook time:                     2mins.
Total time:                    17mins.
Makes/Serves:                4
Cooking medium:           frying pan
Special instruction(s):

Enough bunch of “Polonchay” to serve 4 or about 1/2 kilo
1 medium bulb chopped garlic for frying
5 cloves finely chopped garlic for end garnish
30 grams butter
2 grams salt
1 gram ground black pepper
10 grams honey
40 ml. sesame oil
15 ml. any white wine
1.    Heat sesame oil and fry the 1 bulb chopped garlic until crunchy. Scoop up and set aside.
2.    In this sequence and in the same used sesame oil, pour in “polonchay’ then butter and quickly tumble to spread taste (8-10 seconds)
3.    Add in honey, white wine, salt and pepper and have a quick toss just enough to disseminate flavors. (about 10 seconds)
4.    Add in the finely chopped un-cooked garlic. Tumble for 5 seconds.
5.    Done. Unto plate then garnish with crispy fried garlic.
NOTE: Health values of “Polonchay” (Chinese Spinach) surpass its splendid taste.
Check below site for more of:
Nutritional and Health Efficacy of Leafy “SPINACH”
Learn more from world acclaimed nutritionist Helen Nichols
on nutri-health values of spices, herbs and veggies
we normally don’t mind around.

DISCLAIMER: Above are test kitchen and household-produced dishes. All ingredients utilized are of food grade quality passing international and domestic sanitary standards. While we find the results highly acceptable, no guarantee nor explicit assurance is hereby issued when recipe is performed by readers. For one, although of similar breed, spices, herbs and other ingredients vary from country to country/region to region that possibility of affecting end taste, aroma & bite-feel is great. Further thereto, mentioned sensory evaluation (aroma, taste, mouth-feel) is subjective.
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