Coffee Flavored “Biko”


Simple. Ultra quick to prep.
The “like” amongst Filipino sweet tooth undergoes innovation.
Sweet-coffeeliciously unique.
Prep time:                    10 mins.
Cook time:                   15 mins.
Total time:                    25 mins.
Makes/Serves:  15
Cooking medium:        large pan or wok
Special instruction(s):

1 kilo glutinous rice-fully washed, cooked
800 ml. pure coconut milk
½ kilo “muscovado sugar”
25 grams instant coffee
1.    Heat pan, pour in coconut milk, let boil and curdle.
2.    When coco milk turns to oil, add in “muscovado sugar” and instant coffee.
Toss and tumble well until mixture thickens.
3.    Lastly, add in cooked glutinous rice and be ready with your consistent and ultra active tumbling and tossing and mixing
until you can sense that most of the oil-sugar-coffee blend have been absorbed by the rice.
4.    Simply gratifying, filling and enjoyably wholesome snack or breakfast.
5.    …and still, I pair it with my fave pure “Arabica” coffee.
DISCLAIMER: Above are test kitchen and household-produced dishes. All ingredients utilized are of food grade quality passing international and domestic sanitary standards. While we find the results highly acceptable, no guarantee nor explicit assurance is hereby issued when recipe is performed by readers. For one, although of similar breed, spices, herbs and other ingredients vary from country to country/region to region that possibility of affecting end taste, aroma & bite-feel is great. Further thereto, mentioned sensory evaluation (aroma, taste, mouth-feel) is subjective.

For other snack recipe try this “NI-LATIK-ANG Turon” not “NI-LANTAKANG Turon”.

4 replies
  1. Isel
    Isel says:

    Genius! Biko is my favorite lokal dessert and I love love love coffee. I’m definitely trying this one. Crossing my fingers that I have enough arm power to keep stirring. I think my arm partly died the last time I tried making halaya.

    • Dante
      Dante says:

      Thank you Isel for dropping by. Yes please do try and fill us up with developments. A lot had tried and found ok although some added more instant coffee for stronger kick while others increased the sugar level.
      You’ve got great blog…and so I subscribed.

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