Coffee Flavored “Biko”


Simple. Ultra quick to prep.
The “like” amongst Filipino sweet tooth undergoes innovation.
Sweet-coffeeliciously unique.
Prep time:                    10 mins.
Cook time:                   15 mins.
Total time:                    25 mins.
Makes/Serves:  15
Cooking medium:        large pan or wok
Special instruction(s):

1 kilo glutinous rice-fully washed, cooked
800 ml. pure coconut milk
½ kilo “muscovado sugar”
25 grams instant coffee
1.    Heat pan, pour in coconut milk, let boil and curdle.
2.    When coco milk turns to oil, add in “muscovado sugar” and instant coffee.
Toss and tumble well until mixture thickens.
3.    Lastly, add in cooked glutinous rice and be ready with your consistent and ultra active tumbling and tossing and mixing
until you can sense that most of the oil-sugar-coffee blend have been absorbed by the rice.
4.    Simply gratifying, filling and enjoyably wholesome snack or breakfast.
5.    …and still, I pair it with my fave pure “Arabica” coffee.
DISCLAIMER: Above are test kitchen and household-produced dishes. All ingredients utilized are of food grade quality passing international and domestic sanitary standards. While we find the results highly acceptable, no guarantee nor explicit assurance is hereby issued when recipe is performed by readers. For one, although of similar breed, spices, herbs and other ingredients vary from country to country/region to region that possibility of affecting end taste, aroma & bite-feel is great. Further thereto, mentioned sensory evaluation (aroma, taste, mouth-feel) is subjective.

For other snack recipe try this “NI-LATIK-ANG Turon” not “NI-LANTAKANG Turon”.

Saba Con Hielo


Another quick-prep dessert loved by kids.
Simple to create with all ingredients at hands’ reach.
Different taste.
Coffee flavor rounding off with sugar syrup.
6 pieces ripe-sliced “saging na saba” (Cardava banana)
120 grams brown sugar
15 grams instant coffee granules
(NOT the 3-in-1 blended ones but the plain coffee powder.
Nescafe Classic is a good one to use)
150 ml. evaporated milk
300 ml. tap water
enough shaved ice
your cooked “gulaman” for garnish.
1.    In suitable casserole pour in water and heat.
2.    As water starts to simmer, whisking constantly,
add in sugar and instant coffee.
3.    Pour in sliced “saba” and cook to desired done-ness.
4.    Scoop-in shaved ice in a bowl. Scatter cooked “saba” on top and sides.
5.    Garnish with your “gulaman” strips.
6.    Drizzle with leftover sugar-coffee-water mixture
and finish with generous evap milk.

“Ni-LATIK-ang Turon (Hindi Po NILANTAKANG Turon)


Mely’s Kitchen creates a good and special turon”
the one with “langka” (jackfruit) in it.
Great and yummy. Check for her recipe here:
Similar with a bit change in filling and dusts.
This is what we serve in our outlets.
Here we go.
6 pieces halved ripe Saging Na Saba” (Cardava or Saba Banana)
12 pieces “balat ng lumpia” (spring roll wrappers)
120 grams “latik” (sweetened coconut milk) [Lady’s Choice is a good brand]
50 grams confectioner’s sugar (ground sugar or icing sugar)
enough palm or soya oil for frying.
1.    Lay 1 piece Saba” unto 1 spring roll wrapper.
2.    Drizzle with “latik” about 10 grams per.
3.    Log-roll and fry unto heated oil to desired done-ness.
4.    Before serving, shower with confectioners sugar
and drops of “latik”.
5. Simply done for a more Filipino touch.

A simple dessert even my 8-year old grandson can process…blindfoldedly…fruit salad.

After more than 3 weeks of preparing & consuming beef, pork, chicken…chicken, pork, beef
past yuletide including thereat post season hangover, this morning, I felt an urge
a very strong clamor for a simple sweet.
Instantaneously, Marilyn & I raided the canned goods cabinet and WOWOWIE
found mid-size tin of fruit cocktail, a small can of condensed milk
and an all purpose cream tetra-pack.
Not contented, nah not enough, as fruit cocktail was just full of sliced pineapple,
“Nata de Coco”, few slices of grapes and ripe “papaya”.
Onslaught towards ref we proceeded. Gotcha…
an apple, 3 bunches of grapes & 1/4 Christmas leftover “Marca Pina Edam Cheese”
Here we go.
De-skinning apple & grapes, slicing and mixing & grating made me drool further.



Sans further cooling or freezing, 2 cups thereof I consumed.
But the batch came too generous for just 2 of us at home.
So, portion packed into per serve cups and stowed at freezer for future cravings.

…another high sounding prep. But then it’s so simple.

“Sugar showered deep fried SaSa”
…which is just, plainly, TURON. (SaSa means Saging na Saba)
For variation, instead of just SaSa & langka strips, I added mashed sweet potato (Kamote). Check this section for its recipe.
Try it.